Saturday, October 26, 2013

Neck Pain Treatments For Dealing With Your Pain

Neck pain can become worst, if you ignore its treatment. Like back pain there are many causes of neck pain as well. The main reason is wrong posture of body while performing any work. Usually we do not realize the consequences of sitting or sleeping in an abnormal manner. Sometimes various injuries can become the cause behind this type of pain. But whatever the cause is one need to get neck pain treatment as soon as possible. Otherwise various complications can cause greater damage.

 Neck Pain and Back Pain Treatments: Some therapies that can be useful for back pain and neck pain treatment are as follows.

 ��Treatment through Yoga: Yoga is an excellent way to gain positive energy within your body. It is highly suitable for preventing neck pain as well as for treating it. It helps to strengthen the weak muscles of the neck and back. Especially yoga is very useful if the neck pain is caused by the stress or tension. You can perform yoga every day for few minutes. It will help you to combat this pain. In addition to this, it will cause relaxation in whole body. That is why it is quite commonly in use nowadays for treatment and management of pain. 

��Ayurvedic Type of Treatment: Neck pain treatment can also be done through following the Ayurvedic way of treatment. It involves the use of different kinds of diet plans. Along with this, it also includes some type of exercises. Normally muscle exercise is done for giving strength to the weak muscles of neck. It can also be used for back pain treatment. Different oils are also available for doing massage over the specific neck area. These help to deal with pre existing pain. In addition, it will also help you to prevent further damage to your neck.

 ��Allopathic Way of Treatment: You can also try over the counter medicines for managing your neck pain. Various types of pain killers are available in the market. Numerous companies are manufacturing these medicines for relieving various types of pains. It is better to consult your physician before purchasing any type of medicines.
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Treat Your Neck Pain Effectively

Have you been suffering from a neck ache or stiffness in your back? If yes, then you must look out for a good neck pain treatment. Here are few characteristics that you should look out for:

 1. They should be effective: someone who is suffering from minor backache or neck pair cannot be considered as healthy. The neck pain treatment is widely available nowadays. Whether it is a minor neck pain or you are suffering from severe swelling and discomfort you can get rid of everything.

 2. The treatment should have no side effects: The medicinal treatment can also work great for neck pain. Also several medicines are available that cures neck pain completely. the medicines that do not contain any harmful chemicals and ingredients that can hamper your health later on. You should look out for natural medicines. Seeing a physiotherapist is also a good option.

Physiotherapist helps you relax your muscles and reduce the pain using natural and traditional methods. These methods work great and are highly beneficial. They do not have any kind of side effect on the body and works very best for even those people who are suffering from acute and chronic pain.

 3. Counter medications are not much of a help in relieving neck pain. People often go for pain killers and other medicines but they do not work for long. The neck pain can be a consequence of bad posture, sitting on the couch in a wrong way all day long.

 4. Today most of us carry a hectic schedule and hardly find any time for our fitness and health. Lying in your chair and sitting in front of the computer can be real tiresome. This makes your body tired and also it gets stiff because of low movement. Therefore, apart from exercising you must also stretch your body completely to make it fit and fine.

 5. Massage therapy also works great in neck pain. Massage helps in opening up the blocked arteries and veins and hence enhances the flow of blood inside our body. This thus removes stiffness of muscles and keeps you pain free.

 If you are not able to find a masseur near your place then you should not worry. Even your physiotherapist will be able to give you a considerate massage that will help reduce tension from your muscles and will decrease soreness and pain in your back shoulder area. A physiotherapist also details you the right way of leading your life to keep the pain and trouble away. A balanced diet will help you keep healthy from inside and providing your body with little movement will keep it fit in the long run.

 Even doctors recommend that people stay healthy and young if they exercise regularly. You can do any sort of exercise like jogging, strolling in the garden, pilates, swimming, walking, etc. So you must take complete care of your heath to keep any type of pain or sickness away from you.
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Is Neck Pain Relief A Myth?

Everybody must have suffered neck pain at least once in their lives. It might have forced you to skip work or school at some point even. Stiff neck is one type of pain that is very common and upsetting. While it is not a major health concern, the discomfort it brings can be unbearable.

People suffering from it tend to look for neck pain relief options that really work. Neck pains are oftentimes caused by strains and spasms on the muscles of that region. And this pain can go down the shoulder area. If inflammation starts to develop on the joints, twice as much pain can be expected. And there are quite a number of reasons why this happens.

These pains can be triggered by wrong posture, improper sleeping position, incorrect twisting of the neck, injuries, and stress. To achieve neck pain relief, the right medications are necessary. Here, your attending physician can help a lot. Let him diagnose your condition and you should be able to experience relief after a short period of time.

You can also avoid increased pain by observing proper posture. And do something about your poor sleeping habits for the problem not to recur. Neck pain may not affect your vital organs. But it can certainly affect your day-to-day activities.

 Patients suffering from chronic neck pain are advised to set up a regular consultation with their doctor. By doing so, instant pain relief becomes available to them. Ask your doctor about the best remedy for your condition. He would be able give you the right prescription medicines after diagnosis.

 On the other hand, there are certain specialty products like pillows and neck wraps that can help address your pain. These devices are created to support the neck and are especially made for individuals who retain the right proper posture on their own.

 One's bearing when sitting down, lying down, or standing up are elements crucial in preventing neck pains. If your work requires you to sit in front of a computer, make certain that you are not slouching as you go about your work. Same thing if you are just at home watching television. Make sure that the screen is within eye level to avoid straining your neck.
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Friday, April 23, 2010

How to Relieve Neck Pain With Air Neck Traction

Many times people with compressed nerves in the neck do not realize that the resulting shoulder, arm or hand pain, tingling and weakness is actually from a pinched nerve because there may not be neck pain.

Pinched nerves are the result of pressure on the nerve - from a, damaged disc, muscle tear, inflammation, injury, arthritis or disease. Spinal vertebrae and discs are susceptible to injury, so taking care of the spinal column is extremely important. Proper posture is a very effective component in spinal health.

Truth About Neck Pain Revealed

Pinched Nerve Care - Symptoms and Care

Symptoms of pinched nerves include pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in your extremities. Nerves in the neck exit from between the vertebra, continue through the shoulder, then down the arms and into the hands. If pressure is applied to the nerve roots, pain, tingling and weakness may result in the shoulder, arm and hand. The best way to remove the pain is to remove the pressure on the nerve.

Chiropractic adjustments can help to realign the vertebra, relax the muscles around bulging or herniated discs, and even ease the pain associated with spinal degeneration. Stretching, Yoga, physical therapy and other exercises can help to improve posture and loosen tight muscles, while strengthening the spinal column. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, acupuncture and laser therapy can be used to manage pain and reduce inflammation as well. As a last resort, surgery is sometimes prescribed.

For many people, chiropractic therapy helps to relieve pinched nerve symptoms. The first time someone visits a chiropractor for pinched nerve care, he or she will perform a physical examination, concentrating on the spine, and may request x-rays of the spine.

Symptoms and Treatments For a Pinched Nerve in the Neck

Regular visits back to the chiropractor for adjustments and spinal manipulation help to increase the range of motion in the area being treated, improve on the mechanical function and alleviate pain. Chiropractic pinched nerve care can also include alternating heat and ice, electrical muscle stimulation, dietary supplements and consultation about nutrition.

In order to practice chiropractic care in the United States, chiropractors must earn a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree from a college accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE). Admission to a chiropractic college can only be accepted after 90 credit hours of undergraduate study have been preformed.

Upon completion of undergraduate studies, the D.C. is earned after an additional, rigorous 5-year academic program that includes both classroom work and clinical rotations.
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Monday, April 5, 2010

Neck pain: symptoms and causes

Your neck is a complex interlocking structure consisting of bones, joints, nerves, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Its main job is to hold up the weight of your head which, at around 5 kilograms, is no mean task.

Add to this the requirement that the head must be able to move from side to side and up and down (and do these simultaneously), plus the fact that the neck has to form a conduit for the spinal cord, carry blood vessels to and from the head, and contain passageways for air and food, and you have quite a complex feat of engineering.

No wonder then that our necks cause us pain and discomfort, not only on occasion, but for some people in an ongoing fashion.

The main physical structures in the neck are the seven interlocking vertebrae. They are called the cervical vertebrae, numbered C1 through to C7. C1, also known as the atlas, is the closest one to your head, followed by C2, which is also known as the axis.

Each vertebra is connected to the next by facet joints, and between the vertebrae are intervertebral discs — rubbery cushions made mostly of cartilage that act as shock-absorbers.

When should I seek immediate medical treatment for neck pain?
Severe neck pain that occurs after a neck injury can be a serious problem, and you should see your doctor immediately.

You have problems with neck pain and experience symptoms such as loss of bladder control, shooting pains, numbness, tingling, or weakness in the arms or legs, especially if these symptoms come on suddenly or get worse quickly, you should see your doctor straight away.

Neck pain and stiffness that’s associated with headache and fever can be a sign of meningitis (an infection of the membranes surrounding your brain and spinal cord). Meningitis is a serious disease, and you should seek immediate medical treatment if you or your child are experiencing these symptoms.

Symptoms of neck pain

Symptoms of neck pain and the sensations you feel can help your doctor to diagnose the cause. Here are some symptoms.

Muscle spasm

A spasm is a sudden, powerful, involuntary contraction of muscles. The muscles feel painful, stiff and knotted. If you have neck muscle spasms, you may not be able to move your neck — sometimes people call it a crick in the neck. Your doctor or physiotherapist may call it acute torticollis.

Muscle ache

The neck muscles are sore and may have hard knots (trigger points) that are tender to touch. It may ache on one side only or up the middle of the neck.


The neck muscles are tight and if you spend too long in one position they feel even tighter. Neck stiffness can make it difficult or painful to move your neck.

Nerve pain

Pain from the neck can radiate down the arms, and sometimes, the legs. You may feel a sensation of pins and needles or tingling in your arms, which can be accompanied by numbness, burning or weakness. This pain is typically worse at night.


Headaches are common in conjunction with neck problems. They are usually a dull aching type of headache, rather than sharp pain. While the headaches are often felt at the back of the head, the pain may also radiate to the sides, and even the front of the head.

Loss of range of motion

If you can’t turn your head to the side to the same degree towards each shoulder, or you feel limited in how far forward you can lower your head to your chest, or how far you can tilt your head back, you may have reduced range of motion. Your doctor will be able to test this.


This may sometimes accompany neck pain and can be due to position detectors in the joints of your cervical vertebrae being injured.

What causes neck pain?

These are some of the most common causes of neck pain.


This commonly follows a car accident in which the person’s car is hit from behind while it is stationary or slowing down. The person’s head is first thrown backwards and then when their body stops moving, the head is thrust forward. This type of injury can strain your neck muscles and cause ligaments in the neck to stretch or tear.

The pain from whiplash, which is usually worse with movement, does not always start immediately — it may take several days to come on. Neck pain and stiffness may be accompanied by muscle spasm, dizziness, headaches, nerve pain and shoulder pain.

Muscle strain

Ongoing overuse of your neck muscles (which can be caused by a poor neck position during everyday activities, particularly computer work) can trigger neck muscle strain, causing chronic neck pain and stiffness. The pain is often worse with movement and may be associated with headaches, muscle spasms and restriction of neck movements.

Degenerative disc disease

As we grow older, the soft gelatinous centre of the shock-absorbing discs in our spines dries out. This causes the discs to become narrowed, and the distance between the vertebrae to decrease.

Herniated disc

If the tough outside layer of one of the cervical discs tears, the soft gelatinous centre may bulge outwards — this is known as a herniated disc. Herniated discs can put pressure on nerve roots as they leave the spinal cord, causing pain in the neck as well as pain, numbness and weakness in the arms.

Cervical spondylosis

This degenerative condition of the cervical spine is due to normal ageing and wear and tear on the cervical discs and the vertebrae. It is also known as cervical osteoarthritis, and is more common among older people.

The development of bone spurs often accompanies this degeneration of the spine. Bone spurs, also known as osteophytes, are small outgrowths of bone tissue that are formed when the cartilage covering bone is worn away and bone starts to rub on adjacent bone.

The bone spur is the body’s attempt to protect the bone surface. Unfortunately, the bone spur can sometimes pinch or press upon the nerve roots as they leave the spinal canal.

Symptoms associated with cervical spondylosis include neck pain and stiffness that often improves with rest. The pain may radiate to the shoulders or between the shoulder blades. If there is nerve root compression, there may be numbness, pain or weakness in the arms.

Cervical spinal stenosis

Degenerative changes in the vertebrae can lead to narrowing of the canal in which your spinal cord lies — this is known as cervical spinal stenosis. As the canal becomes narrower, it can put pressure on the spinal cord.

The associated neck pain is usually worse with activity, and may radiate to the arms or legs. Arm or leg weakness can also occur. Sometimes people with cervical spinal stenosis have no symptoms. Occasionally, it may give rise to Lhermitte's sign — an electric shock-like feeling down the body when the neck is bent forward.

How is the cause of neck pain diagnosed?

Your doctor may be able to determine the cause of your neck pain from your history and physical examination, but sometimes other tests, such as X-rays, CT scans and MRI scans, are required to find the exact cause of your symptoms.

These scans can assess the spine and be used to show disc problems, spinal cord problems or compression of your nerve roots.

Sometimes doctors will order electromyography (EMG) or nerve conduction studies — tests that evaluate the electrical activity in nerves and muscles to help determine if there is any nerve damage related to your neck problems.

It can be difficult to identify the precise source of neck pain even after investigations. Generally, X-ray abnormalities do not correlate well with pain. Some people have severe spondylosis on X-rays, but have no pain. The key thing that your doctor should be able to tell is if the pain is involving pressure on the nerve roots or spinal cord.
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